Grammar-Based Generation

To me, this is a new form of procedural generation. You declare specific rules for your desired content, and then a generator runs accordingly. I’ve only seen it used for text, but I’m sure the same technique works for anything. The simplest example is picking a random item from a list, and a slightly more complex version shows the power of defining a grammar:

grammar = {
  "first name": "Anna", "Belle", "John"
  "last name": "Brown", "Jameson", "Williams"
  "full name": "{first name} {last name}"

G(grammar, "full name") -- ex: Anna Williams

The syntax above is pseudocode for a generator I am working on. I plan to allow the use of a custom seed along with the generator so that you can do things like have uniquely generated people for a population, where only a lookup number needs to be stored (if you wish to remember a specific person).

It gets even more powerful when you make it possible to define multiple versions of the same grammar and use different ones depending on an object’s properties, and allow inline code within the grammars. Here’s an incomplete example based on my continuing efforts to build space games:

  "system name": {
      props: { pulsar: true }
      "PSR {random(1000)}"
      props: { pulsar: false }
      "{Greek letter} {Latin name}"
      "{random(100)} {Latin genitive}"
      "{modern constellation} G{random(1000,9999)}.{random(1000,9999)}"

For this example, pulsars would get their traditional “PSR ###” names, while non-pulsars would get names based on differing classification methods.

I’m currently thinking about a game based on Aurora, but massively simplified and playable in-browser. Grammar-based content generation would play a very important role in this, from generating system names (as above) to NPC ship design.


(Note: All resources are archived using the services linked to on Archives & Sources.) Resources that helped me recognize the potential of grammars:

(Normally I would like to publish working code along with these posts, or some other form of useful data, but today we’re looking at a work-in-progress idea without even that much concrete form.)

Simplified Fluid Storage System

(A flaw in the design of this system was fixed and posted about here.)

One of my game ideas involves constructing 2D spaceships, and the concept of a simplified system for storing fuel, oxygen, water – really any kind of fluid mixture – in storage tanks. Along with this, it allows simulating breaches between containers, hard vacuum, and the pressurized areas of the ship itself!

{ -- a rough approximation of Earth's atmosphere
  pressure: 1
  volume: 4.2e12 -- 4.2 billion km^3
  contents: {
    nitrogen: 0.775
    oxygen: 0.21
    argon: 0.01
    co2: 0.005

{ -- hard vacuum
  pressure: 0
  volume: math.huge -- infinity
  -- the contents table will end up containing negative infinity of anything that leaks into the vacuum

It all comes down to storing a total pressure and volume per container, and a table of contents as percentages of the total mixture. The total amount of mass in the system can be easily calculated (volume * pressure), as can the amount of any item in the system ( volume * pressure * percent).

Breaches are stored as a reference in the container with a higher pressure, and a size value is added to the container with lower pressure (representing the size of the hole between them).

screenshot of testing my fluid system
A sequence of tests.


  • Everything has the same density and mixes evenly.
  • There are no states of matter, everything is treated as a gas.
  • Attempting to directly modify the amount of a fluid is prone to floating-point errors it seems, while mixing containers via the breach mechanic is working as expected.

The code was written in MoonScript / Lua and is available here.

Updated 2024-10-11 to fix broken link.

My First Ludum Dare (#32)

Grand Theft Papercut

This was the 4th Ludum Dare that I wanted to participate in, and the first where I actually did. I was inspired by my recent discovery of a GameBoy GTA game, and my unconventional weapon (theme) was a deck of cards.

It was also my first time making anything tile-based, and it worked very well for my experience at the time. Even better, it was the first time I had the capability to load and save, and the game was also the map editor for the game. Very much something I’d like to do again sometime.

You can go play the prototype here.

Realistic Star Frequencies/Colors

UPDATE: A much better resource for frequencies of types of stars is on this wiki page for Elite: Dangerous.

I’ve done a lot of research on stellar classification, perhaps too much. Here’s a visual representation (not at all to scale!) of stars by type from O to L.. and L is a brown dwarf, so it’s not technically a “star” per say.

Stars by type, in order: OBAFGKML

And here’s a table of those color values (in percents RGBA):

  O: {0.521, 0.521, 0.996, 1}
  B: {0.701, 0.898, 1, 1}
  A: {1, 1, 1, 1}
  F: {1, 0.996, 0.780, 1}
  G: {0.988, 0.972, 0.250, 1}
  K: {0.905, 0.549, 0.015, 1}
  M: {0.847, 0.011, 0.031, 1}
  L: {0.302, 0.187, 0.177, 1}

As for the frequencies (as in, percent of stars that are a specific type), they have been slightly manipulated (if I am remembering correctly) to make the rarest types a little more common, but are based on my best guesses from research:

  O: 0.00003
  B: 0.13
  A: 0.6
  F: 3
  G: 7.6
  K: 12.1
  M: 76.45
  L: 0.11

A couple last notes:

  • There are two more brown dwarf / substellar mass classifications I could be using (T and Y), but I am not because they are not commonly visible.
  • Because L-type (and T & Y) “stars” are so hard to see, it is entirely possible they could outweigh the existence of other types, but we just can’t see them!

Code to create the image above is available here.

A Years’ Late Post-Mortem (LD34)

Opcode-Powered Shuttle at the end of LD34

The Beginning

Suddenly it was time. I didn’t plan or prepare, I hadn’t coded in a little while. I decided the jam would jolt me back into coding, I also livestreamed most of my development to force me to keep working at it.

The Story

The first evening and morning worked great (Ludum Dare starts at 6pm in my timezone). A few hours on the idea, several more designing the controls (in retrospect, I spent too much time deciding on the structure of the opcodes). At some point, I hand-drew graphics, but threw them out because I could not get my scanner working.

I built the graphics for a few things, started placing them in-game, and decided I needed to rewrite everything. I quit streaming, took a laptop out to a Starbucks, and spent a few hours doing just that. It was a good break, good exercise (cycling a few miles), but wasted a lot of time.

The 2nd evening involved more streaming, things moving and generating.. Now for the game part, the 2nd morning, I didn’t stream because I was fully in crunch-time-mode over the last few hours. I focused on a communications system (which was broken, badly coded, and led to me releasing a game-crashing bug).

The Result

I decided to make something with a huge scope. All my time went into working on UI components and controls. There is no game, but a few mechanics to build a game within.

Positives? I got back into coding for a bit, I got to check out a lot of others’ games because I made sure to rate a bunch of them, and I felt more on track with my life.

It did burn me out though, so much so that it took a long time to write anything about it.. and even longer to actually publish it!

Want to play it? Click here.