Archives & Sources

All blog posts, pages, and linked items are archived using whichever of the following resources I can get to work. Due to inconsistency in availability and imperfection of human memory, not everything is always backed up, but I try my best.

After the Internet Archive was attacked and brought down, I started searching for alternative archive services and putting more effort into making sure my content is maximally available. Unfortunately, I’ve had many problems with this, as the 2nd-best archive service available – – went down as well. It’s also apparently only run by a single person, which is kind of horrifying for being the 2nd-best archive service.

These are the only publicly usable archives I have been able to find so far:

  • Internet Archive: The most well-funded and reliable service. Unfortunately, “one is none” as we have all been sharply reminded of recently..
  • Run by a single person unfortunately, but has been very reliable (up until it suddenly wasn’t, possibly due to increased usage after Internet Archive went down). (Wikipedia has a list of alternate domain names.)
  • Ghostarchive: Doesn’t support using a bookmarklet, so its a little more difficult to use. (Doesn’t archive PDFs.)
  • PreserveTube: A YouTube-specific video archiver.
  • FreezePage: I consider it unacceptable because it requires logging in at least once a month or paying money, and requires manually sharing links to archived pages, but it is at least a usable option.

Non-Webpage Archives

While I’ve been looking for ways to archive my live web content, it’s also important to acknowledge that archives of other data types are also super important. Note: Due to the nature of these services, it is not uncommon for their domain names to change due to legal problems. This is just a small list of places I’ve discovered while trying to find website archiving services:

  • Anna’s Archive: Ebooks, scientific papers. Provides mirroring for Sci-Hub, LibGen, Z-Lib, DuXiu, and “more”. (For Z-Lib, it gets “shut down” so often that there’s a website dedicated to listing its current domain(s).)
  • Library Genesis: Ebooks. (Mirrored by Anna’s Archive.)
  • The Eye: A curated database of … I don’t even know. It just caught my eye because it’s at least something, and something that managed to be useful enough to be sued by a church.

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