I had a silly idea, and thus, I must draw it.
I had a silly idea, and thus, I must draw it.
While driving home from California, we stopped at the Salt Wash View Area, and I made a quick sketch roughly representing the view:
As you can see, it is indeed a rough representation. Here’s what it actually looks like, for direct comparison:
I recently obtained a copy of DALE, which is a series of DVDs about Dale Earnhardt’s career in NASCAR. In order to keep a digital version of it for when the original is inevitably gone, I took photos of the inserts that came with it, cropping them in GIMP to just the documents. GIMP didn’t like this for two of the images, and for some reason, corrupted the files in interesting ways.
With the first image, you can clearly see where I got the inspiration for its name – which I also used to name this blog post. With the second, it’s a touch less clear, but I think you’ll figure it out:
Yesterday, I took the Broadmoor Manitou and Pikes Peak Cog Railway to – you guessed it – Pikes Peak. At the top, a passenger offered me a Kit Kat, and I really wanted to give them something in return. So I pulled out a sketchbook and tried to draw the view as quickly as I could:
They said they were french and didn’t speak English very well, so I’m guessing they live outside of the USA. Based on this guess, I’m going to assume this means my art has now (or very soon) gone international.
I want to get into art more, and the idea of giving away sketches to random people I meet sounds like fun, so I hope to continue. As for the title, there’s another piece of art from a window seat I’ve enjoyed a lot.
A while back I produced a work of Modern Art with the software suite known as Factorio. This only needed minor editing but I was a very lazy girl. Today, I bring you… Everything Is Okay, a custom alarm to let you know that your world isn’t ending.