Semi-Empirical Stellar Equations

I’ve spent a lot of time trying to answer certain questions in astronomy, where I just want a rough approximation for the purpose of a simulation, and don’t need an exact answer. These are some of the equations I’ve come up with.

Yerkes Classes’ T/Mv Relations

These equations are shown as functions where x is temperature in Kelvin, and f(x) is absolute magnitude (visual). Most are valid from 2400 K to a little bit past 30000 K, the exceptions are noted. For the hypergiants and white dwarfs, the range is within an elliptical region, of which these functions define the major axis; for all others, they are a trend line along a Yerkes classification.

  • Hypergiants (0):
    f(x) = -8.9
  • Supergiants (Ia):
    f(x) = -0.00135x3 + 0.0233x2 + 0.0187x – 7.349
  • Supergiants (Ib):
    f(x) = 0.00329x3 – 0.0962x2 + 0.829x – 7.209
  • Bright Giants (II):
    f(x) = 0.00557x3 – 0.166x2 + 1.505x – 6.816
  • Giants (III):
    f(x) = 0.0135x3 – 0.373x2 + 3.019x – 7.233
  • Subgiants (IV):
    f(x) = -0.151x2 + 2.216x – 5.128 (4450-100000 K only)
  • Dwarfs (V):
    f(x) = 0.00193x5 – 0.0615x4 + 0.742x3 – 4.257x2 + 12.439x – 12.996 (note: this one is the least accurate)
  • Subdwarfs (VI):
    f(x) = 0.131x3 – 3.275x2 + 27.576x – 71.7 (3050-6000 K only)
  • White Dwarfs (VII):
    f(x) = 0.489x + 10.01 (4450-30000 K only)

Simple Conversions

  • Absolute Magnitude (visual) → Luminosity (solar luminosities):
    Lsun = 100 * exp(-0.944 * Mv)
    Accurate between 0-10 Mv. Probably continues accuracy relatively well.
  • Main Sequence Luminosity / Mass Relation:
    Lstar / Lsun = (Mstar / Msun)3.5
    Lstar = ( 3.68 * ln(Mstar) – 0.244 )e
    (The second equation applies to all stars.)
  • Mass / Lifetime Relation:
    Tyears = ( 23.4 – 2.68 * ln(Mstar) )e
    (This applies to all stars.)

Spectral filters are used to help classify stars. Ultraviolet, Blue, Visual, Red, and Infrared. Objects are listed in different indexes:

  • UV for the hottest objects (stellar remnants, galaxies)
  • BV (the majority of stars)
  • RI for the coolest (LTY “stars” and below)

Equations I no longer recommend

Provided for completeness, in case they are found to be useful.

  • Temperature (K) → Absolute Magnitude (visual):
    Mv = 35.463 * exp(-0.000353 * T)
    Roughly accurate between 2000-50000 Kelvin. Probably doesn’t continue accuracy at hotter temperatures. Previously this was at the top of this post, now I am not sure why (perhaps the simplicity). The Yerkes’ classifications are a better system.
  • B-V index (x) → Temperature (K):
    T = -772.2x3 + 3152x2 – 6893x + 9500
    Sorta accurate between 0-2. (This equation I am least comfortable with, and don’t plan to use.)

I don’t understand lambda calculus

Update, 2024-10-11: Man, this is a garbage post. I was trying to get my thoughts out, but I have next to no clue what I was doing and don’t really understand it. You want to learn about Lambda Calculus? Go anywhere else. Sorry. >.<

I’m playing around in Minetest, and I have an idea. In order to execute this idea, I’m going to need a simple programming language. Asking Google… implementing a simple programming language

7 lines of code, 3 minutes: Implement a programming language from scratch
Sounds good! Ridiculously simple, fast, and gives us a fully usable language. (I would’ve understood brainfuck better..) Let’s see what this language looks like:

(λ v . e)   anonymous function with argument v and returning e
(f v)       call function f with argument v
(λ a . a)   example: identity function (returns its argument)

And the scary one:
(((λ f . (λ x . (f x))) (λ a . a)) (λ b . b))

Seems okay until I get to understanding that last example. If you’re curious about the steps I went through before I finally figured it out, here are my notes. I’m gonna skip to the good part:

(((λ f . (λ x . (f x))) (λ a . a)) (λ b . b))
two identity functions, let's name them I, & remove excess parenthesis
(λ f . (λ x . (f x))) I I
the syntax is still confusing me, let's make an "F" function
F(x) -> return (λ x . (f x))
F I I                          equivalent to ((F I) I)
substituting the function (identity) into our definition gives us
(λ x . (I x))         actually the same as the identity function
I(I)                  all comes to returning the identity function

λ x . x

Now, at this point I’ve learned a few small tricks for my understanding, as well as how lambda calculus works in general.


Solving a lambda calculus program is made of three (or 2.5) steps called reductions:

  • η-conversion (eta): Replace equivalent functions with simpler forms (λ x . f x) -> f
  • β-reduction (beta): Substitution (λ a . a) x -> x (essentially, THIS is solving it)
  • α-conversion (alpha): Rename conflicting names (λ a . a b) (λ a . a) -> (λ a . a b) (λ c . c)


This is where my journey ends for now. I started studying lambda calculus because of a desire to implement a simple programming language, but this will likely not satisfy my least not in this form. (Note: All resources are archived using the services linked to on Archives & Sources.)

My Obsession

(This post has been imported from an old blog of mine.)

For years I’ve been thinking about a rocket construction and flight game. Think 2D Kerbal Space Program, but with part design as well as craft design, and some SciFi aspects to it.

picture of a notebook showing my obsession with spacecraft
Just started on the project again and ran into a problem with the physics library I’m using (box2d), so for kicks I decided to calculate how many shapes I might need to try to make a planetoid have a variable surface instead of being circular.

Basically, a grandiose expansion of the concepts of KSP while simultaneously stepping backwards by making it 2-dimensional instead of within a 3D universe. I am a bit more realistic with my expectations than I previously was, so I know I’m not going to achieve it for a very long time, if ever, but it still is fun to think about or poke around with code or draw out some ideas from time to time.